Biography References Study in Beirut EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 32 1907Study Medicine at St. Joseph University (Medical studies) in Beirut – Doctor of Medicine EditBulletin annuel de la Faculte Francais, 1946-1947 1922Work at Health Office, Itsa in Itsa EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 32 1932Work as Chief Health Inspector of the Mudiria de Guerga in Suhaj EditBulletin annuel de la Faculte Francais, 1931-1932 1937Work as Director of the Health Inspectorates in Cairo (16 El-Cheikh St. Shubra) EditBulletin annuel de la Faculte Francais, 1936-37 1947Work in Cairo (16 al-Shaykh St., Shubra) EditBulletin annuel de la Faculte Francais, 1946-1947 Authorizations References 1907License: Doctor, Authorized by Ministry of Interior, Egypt EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 32 Identity Ibrahim Hanna Zakiابراهيم حنا زكيAlternatively named: ZakyYear of birth: 1881Profession: DoctorCity of birth: Zagazig Source More info Bibliographic references: Bulletin annuel de la Faculte Francais, 1946-1947Liste des médecins, pharmaciens, docteurs en chirurgie dentaire et des sages-femmes